Dark Skies Fly Fishing

Author name: Ralph Scherder

Ralph Scherder is an award winning writer and photographer who lives in Coudersport, PA. His work has appeared in American Fly Fishing, American Angler, American Frontiersman, Bowhunting.com, Fur-Fish-Game, New York Outdoor News, PA Angler & Boater, PA Outdoor News, Pennsylvania Game News, and many others. He co-hosted the TV show "Pennsylvania Back Country" for three seasons on the Sportsman Channel (2006-2008) and has authored numerous books. Ralph is an active member of Pennsylvania Outdoor Writers Association and founder and owner of Dark Skies Fly Fishing.

Ralph Scherder

Finicky Trout and BWOs: Matching the Evening Hatch on Pine Creek

  For the first time ever, I drove down Owasse Road to the Delayed Harvest Artificial Lures Only (DHALO) section of Pine Creek in the PA Grand Canyon and encountered no other vehicles parked along the stream. Moreover, after tugging on my waders and stringing up my rod, I pushed through the foliage to the

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