A new video on the Dark Skies YouTube channel shows us exploring a mountain stream for native brook trout using a Slate Drake pattern. Slate Drakes are unique in that they don’t hatch like typical mayflies. Instead of emerging from the water’s surface, they crawl up on to boulders and other structure in and near the stream where they break free of their nymphal shucks.
Slate Drakes also typically don’t hatch in large numbers, at least not enough to create a situation where a bunch of fish are rising for them in a single pool. However, Slate Drakes are relatively large flies, sizes 12-14, and provide a hearty meal for fish all summer and into the early fall. When one does end up on the water, there’s a good chance it will get eaten by a trout. This makes Slate Drakes an excellent choice for exploring trout streams this time of year!
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