Dark Skies Fly Fishing

Youghiogheny River Stream Report


The Youghiogheny River, known simply as “The Yough,” is a 134-mile river that begins in West Virginia and flows north into Pennsylvania where it empties into the Monongahela River near Pittsburgh. The “middle” Yough is of most importance to fly fishers, as this is where the river has made its name as a destination trout fishery, often producing lunker browns and rainbows as well as quality smallmouth bass fishing. The bottom release from Youghiogheny River Lake ensures this tailwater stays cold and fishable year round.

The section between Confluence and the Casselman River is generally wadable, although anglers should be aware of release schedules from the dam. The water can come up very quickly here if you’re not prepared. The section from the Casselman River confluence down to Ohiopyle is moderately large water and floating is the preferred way to explore the river here. 

The 9.6 miles of stream from the confluence of Ramcat Run to Ohiopyle is designated All-Tackle Trophy Trout with a creel limit of one trout per day of at least 18 inches, except for the period from the day after Labor Day until 8:00 a.m. of the first Saturday in April the following year.


The Yough is primarily a caddis river. Bring a good variety of caddis patterns to imitate all life cycle stages of caddis.

Black Caddis, Olive Caddis, Sulphurs, Light Cahills, Blue-Winged Olives, Gray Caddis, Chocolate Duns.

Yellow Drake, Slate Drake, Blue-Winged Olives.

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